Live for Today
Spring Island Trilogy #2
Sandra Steiner
Lily looked over her shoulder and, seeing no one, began to relax. It was just her imagination. It had to be, didn’t it? She could not remember a time when she did not feel as though someone was watching her.
Sitting on the beach watching the calm water always seemed to help to ease the panic. The waves were gently lapping against the driftwood on the beach. The sound of the seagulls was soothing. The smell of the salty ocean air was comforting. So why couldn’t she just relax? Today, it did not seem to be working.
Last night the dreams had kept her awake through most of the night. If only she knew what they meant. She was so tired of them. They had plagued her for her entire life, as long as she could remember anyhow. Today was a day filled with questions, and she just wanted answers. All her life she had worked at blocking memories.
Maybe it was time for her to lay her past to rest. The idea of it terrified her, and she really wasn’t sure why. She wanted to move forward in her life; it was time.
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Lily made the drive out to the ferry’s loading area. There were ferries that went every couple of hours or so. As she waited in line for the ferry to take her to the mainland, her mind drifted to her dreams. She pulled out her dream journal and began to make notes about what she knew about her past. It was difficult at first to think about it. But it was necessary. She knew that now. She had been keeping the journal for a while now; the counsellor had suggested that it might highlight some of the recurring events and make things easier to figure out.Her mother’s name: Andrea Gail Hayes Her father’s name: Tyson John Hayes The town she was born in: Rollingway Birthday: 28 August 1980
Birth name: Corina Lily Hayes; now uses Lily Gordon (adoptive family name)
Vague memories of: Forest? Roses . Hiding in dark cupboard
She couldn’t remember much more, not yet at least.
Listen to Sandra's Radio Interview
1. Sandra went to the bar for the first time (legally) at the grand old age of 41.2. Sandra has two beautiful grandchildren.
3. Sandra loves quotes!
4. Sandra believes that by encouraging others to do their best, everyone succeeds.
5. Sandra has three more novels in progress!
6. Sandra loves to read all genres from erotica to young adult!
7. Sandra believes in angels.
8. Sandra loves connecting with readers, bloggers, and other authors. Communication is very important to her.
9. Sandra and her husband love long walks, and enjoy going to the movies!
10. Sandra loves the beach and the ocean.
Author Interview
1.What inspired you to write your first book?
I have always thought about writing a book but when my kids were young life was just too busy. In January of 2014 I started writing Cherish the Past and soon I had also started Live for Today. The two novels were written at the same time.
Cherish the Past does have some basis on my real life, and the main character Angie is somewhat the same as I am. She is a strong woman who wants the best for her family no matter what it takes.
I have always been a good listener and Live for Today was modeled around a story that was told to me a few years ago. The main character Lily is trying to put her past to rest so that she can move forward into her future. She is a strong, independent woman who has decided it is time to find out the answers surrounding her adoption.
Both of these novels were written in a format that is similar to a journal. It is their journey, to finding happiness. They are written in a form that can be read by anyone teen and up.
2. Do you have a favorite character from your books? Why are they your favorite?
Both Lily in Live for Today and Angie in Cherish the Past are similar to myself. They are both strong women who are faced with many obstacles in life. The struggles they have are not uncommon and the story lines inspire the reader to make it through their own daily struggles.
3. How important are names to you in your books? Do you choose the names based on liking the way it sounds or the meaning? Do you have any name choosing resources you recommend?
The names of my characters are purely fictional. I found it interesting that when I planned the story lines the character names just fit.
Over the years I have met many individuals, and listened to a lot of life stories. The names seem to carry into my writing in some way. When I am writing a character is born, named, and developed just like a newborn child would be.
4. If you could cast your characters in the Hollywood adaptation of your book, who would you choose to play your characters?
My dreamcast for Live for Today would be Reese Witherspoon (Lily), Kate Winslet (Joy), Drew Barrymore (Sophie), and Julia Roberts (Olivia).
5. How does your work differ from others of its genre?
My writing style has been described as intimate in that it is like you are reading someone journal. The first two novels are the life story of Lily and Angie respectively. Other novels I have read in the inspirational contemporary romance genre seem to deal more with just a situation, where my novels both deal with life up to a certain point. The characters realize they need change, and are often looking back over their life in order to figure out what needs to change. Lily in Live for Today is in her late twenties when she finally makes a decision to find her biological family. Angie in Cherish the Past is in her mid forties when she finds happiness.
Meet the Cast
Cherish the Past (Spring Trilogy Book #1)
Angie sighed. A small smile began to form as she recalled the moments that led up to this incredible feeling. Life was good-no, life was amazing. It hadn't always been, but today at forty-six, it sure was. She had reached a good space in her life. She was content, in love, at peace with her past, and excited about her future. Tomorrow she was marrying her soul mate. She had nearly given up hoping she would find him.He had actually prayed that she would find him before his birthday. Or so he said, and she had no reason not to believe him. As she sat on the beach watching the waves roll in, the memories of a lifetime came crashing in, reminding her to cherish the past . . .
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Sandra Steiner relocated to Vancouver Island in 2010 to pursue a dream of living near the ocean. She met her soul mate Cory in the spring of 2013 and a short six months later they were married. They combined lives, homes, children, and fur babies to create a life they both love. They are both creative individuals and as Sandra writes, Cory composes music for an upcoming CD.There are parallels in Sandra's writing and real life, that's true. However, the motive for writing her novels is to inspire her readers to be strong, independent women. Sandra believes if you believe in yourself, anything is possible. The novels are suitable for teen through adult readers. Both of Sandra's novels have been well received, and Cherish the Past has recently been awarded the gold seal of literary excellence!
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