After walking away from both Adam and Julien, Emily Roberts' only focus is Charlette. Knowing that Charlette stands in the way of her future with Julien, she will stop to nothing to remove her from her life... permanently!
Will her tunnel-vision give her all that she is yearning for or will she have made the biggest mistake of her life... leaving Julien exposed to the likes of Charlette...
It all ends here...
Note: This book is the third part of The Cover Series and is designed to be read in order.
This book contains erotic content and is not suitable for readers under the age of 18

“Emily, I know that you’re out for blood but let’s face it, you don’t have the means to get a woman like Charlette Delacroix,” Shane informed me as I placed around my complex, trying to figure out how I would pay that bitch back for trying to kill me.
She obviously believed that offing me would get her Julien but she was sadly mistaken. The look on his face when I told him that Charlette had been the one who attacked me at the club was one I would never forget. He was furious. Unfortunately his expression soon changed to one of brokenness when I ended my relationship with him.
It was the hardest thing I had ever been forced to do. I felt like I had no choice. The woman was clearly desperate and would stop at nothing to get Julien to leave me for her. I needed her to believe she had won, to believe that she had successfully caused our demise. But in order to do that I had to hurt the man I loved so desperately. I had to allow him to feel broken yet again and the idea that I caused him such hurt pained me to the core but it was the only way. I needed to find a way to get Charlette out of our lives once and for all.
“You think I don’t know that Shane? Do you really think it hasn’t crossed my mind that I am dealing with sick twisted fuck that will stop at nothing to take Julien away from me? His fucking wife!” I growled in his general direction as I continued my pacing. I needed a plan.
“Well will you at least sit down and eat something. You’ve only been out of the hospital for ten hours and you really should be resting,” he said as he closed the short distance between us before drawing me up his is arms in an attempt to offer comfort.
The resemblance between the brothers was remarkable and in that moment, I gasped at the sudden closeness and felt my stomach churn at the realization that Julien wouldn’t be able to touch me like this until after Charlette was taken care off.
Pushing away from Shane I signed and sat on the couch, allowing my head to fall into my hands. My decision to let Julien go at the hospital seemed rational at the time but the more I thought about it the more I wondered just what I was thinking. Shane was right. I had no way of really removing his ex-wife from our lives.
Current wife, not ex?
Tears welded up in my eyes in an instant as the severity of the situation crashed down on me with its full force. I was no position to take on Charlette.
Shane once again closed the distance between us before kneeling down in front of me, “Look, I know you are determined to make this woman pay. To be honest, I’d like to see the old bat pay myself but you are in way over your head,” he began before lifting my face with his hand to meet his gaze. “My bother loves you Emily, together you can stop Charlette. But if you insist on going after her I will help you. Fuck, I have money to blow and damn-it I can’t stand to see a woman cry. Especially since my brother would likely kill me if I allowed you to get into danger. So what do you say?”
What do I say? Did he really have to ask?
“Fuck yeah!” I screamed as I jumped into his arms, no doubt squeezing the life out of him.
“Whoa, whoa. Slow down killer, we still need a plan. Between your fucking determination and my pockets, Charlette should be out of your life soon and my brother will be happy again.”
I didn’t let up on his neck, instead I squeezed tighter grateful that I had called him to get me out of the hospital since my friends weren’t speaking to me. Truth be told… I wanted to be close to Julien and Shane was the closest thing I had to him.
“Thank you so much Shane, you have no idea how much this means to me,” I hiccupped into his neck, my grip no less tighter than before.
“I am a lover at heart. Shit I’m French remember?” he chuckled softly.
How could I ever forget? I thought to myself.
Diana Edwards hadn't expected to fall for her best friend's boyfriend but the more she got to know him, the more unbearable it becomes to be near him.
Can she continue to long after him through stolen glances and wishful yearnings, denying her heart a chance at love?
Or will the fire he lights within her cause her to touch the forbidden... quenching the burning need growing within her, betraying her only friend?
*Note: This novella is the apart of a series and is designed to be read in order but can be read as a stand alone.*
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